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Business-rule is a server-side script running at the moment of inserting, updating, or deleting a record. Use them for such tasks as conditionally automatic value change in the form fields or event creation for email notifications and script actions.


Business-rules can use scenarios to perform actions with records in the database. Even so, there are several other options of the script actions available, such as client-side scripts and UI-actions.

The scheme below illustrates when Before and After rules run.

Before Rules run conditions:

  • After a user submits the form;
  • Before the system performs the server updates.

After Rules run conditions:

  • After a user submits a form;
  • After the system performs the server updates.


Role required: admin.

Abort Business-rules

It is possible to perform business-rules that terminate the follow-up actions and processes.


The abort business-rules terminate the following processes: Business-rules, Notifications, Approval Rules, etc.

See Approval Management to learn more about approval rule rejection.

To make your business-rule abort the follow-up processes, complete the steps below:

  1. Open the business-rule desired;
  2. On the form, check the Abort Action box;
  3. Click Save or Save and Exit.

Business-rules creation

You can create business-rule that will be running when inserting, updating or deleting a record.

To create it, please perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to System Definitions → Business Rules;
  2. Click New;
  3. Fill in the form fields and save the business-rule.

Business rules form fields

NameThe business-rule name.
TableA table on which the business-rule will be performing.
DescriptionThe brief action description.
Abort actionWhen set to TRUE, and all conditions of business-rule are met then the transaction (update, insert, delete) will be interrupted.
ActiveWhen set to TRUE, this business-rule will be performing; otherwise, it will not.
InheritanceWhen set to TRUE, this business-rule will be applied not only for the table specified in the Table field but also for all its child tables.
AdvancedWhen set to TRUE, additional fields for configuration are displayed on the business-rule form, including Script field.

Use this setting to specify the field values of the Table records when performing a business-rule on it.

In the right field, choose a Table column and set the desired value in the left field.

When to Run tab

Defines the moment of a business-rule execution:

  • before – execution prior to the operation of the business-rule launch trigger (prior to the updating, inserting or deleting a record);
  • after – execution after to the operation of the business-rule launch trigger (after the updating, inserting or deleting a record).
OrderDefines the order of the business-rule execution. If there are over one business-rules, they will perform in the ascending order.
Action InsertWhen set to TRUE, this business-rule will perform the actions when inserting a new record.
Action UpdateWhen set to TRUE, this business-rule will perform the actions when updating a record.
Action DeleteWhen set to TRUE, this business-rule will perform the actions when deleting a record.
Role ConditionsThis multiselect field specifies the roles of users that must be met to perform a business-rule.
Filter Conditions

Business-rule launch condition builder that allows using static and dynamic filters. After specifying a table in the Table field, all fields of this table will be available in the constructor.


Use dynamic filter conditions like is (dynamic) or is not (dynamic) when composing conditional expressions to make your business-rules more versatile.

Action tab
Add messageCheck this box to display the Message text field if you want to show a message to a user when the business-rule performed.
MessageEnter the message text you want to show to a user when the business-rule performed.
Advanced tab

The condition option written using server-side API defines situations when a business-rule runs. If this condition is met, then the Script will be executed. Use logical operators && (AND) and || (OR) for making up the complex conditional expressions.

Condition option allows invoking server-side Script Includes created.


The action sequence that will be executed when the business-rule is launched, Variables previous and current are available in the function:

previous – the state of the record field before saving. This variable is not available to use in Action Insert business-rules;

current – record fields values that will be saved.

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