This server class provides methods to operate the database records limited by the ACL rules of a particular user.
Use the constructor to instantiate an object of the SimpleRecordSecure class for a particular table.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
tableName | String | Y | N |
const taskRecord = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); |
The SimpleRecord class has a special object for Record Extended Models – rem_attr that contains information about the REM attributes. Use it to read and edit REM attribute values of the current record with the methods as shown below.
rem_attr has a number of methods similar to the methods of the SimpleRecordSecure: Example:
const record = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); record.get('160638931615274614'); if (record.getReModelId()) {; } |
Use the method to add the OR condition to an existing query. It works in conjunction with the addQuery() method. In this method, you can use any necessary operator from the condition operators list, specified in lower- or uppercase. Use the system names of the operators in the scripts.
You can also specify a RE model attribute of a specific table. To filter records, use the operators corresponding to the attribute type.
The condition may contain criteria based on the attribute of different RE models. If such criteria are built using the AND operator, the selection of records will be empty. To return records that match a condition, use the OR operator. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value | |
property | String | Y | N
| |
operator | String | N | = | |
value | Integer/String/Boolean/Array/SimpleRecord object | Y | N |
Type | Description |
SimpleRecord object | This method returns the instance where the method was called. |
const record = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); record.addQuery('subject', 'like', 'not work') record.addOrCondition('description', 'like', 'not work');'Condition query: ' + record.getConditionQuery()); record.query(); // Info: Condition query: (subjectLIKEnot work)^OR(descriptionLIKEnot work) |
let record = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); record.addQuery('subject', 'like', 'not work') record.addOrCondition('166972638116358001:description', 'contains', 'not work');'Condition query: ' + record.getConditionQuery()); record.query(); // Info: Condition query: (subjectLIKEnot work)^OR(166972638116358001:descriptionLIKEnot work) |
It is possible to pass the Reference field value as current.{reference_field_name} instead of the record ID as the addOrCondition() method value. The script example:
Use this method to add a condition to make a selection of records from the database. In this method, you can use any required operator from the condition operators list, specified in lower- or uppercase. Use the system names of the operators in the scripts.
You can also specify a RE model attribute of a specific table. To filter records, use the operators corresponding to the attribute type.
The condition may contain criteria based on the attribute of different RE models. If such criteria are built using the AND operator, the selection of records will be empty. To return records that match a condition, use the OR operator. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value | |
property | String | Y | N
| |
operator | String | N | = | |
value | Integer/String/Boolean/Array/SimpleRecord object | Y | N |
Type | Description |
SimpleRecordSecure object | This method returns the instance where the method was called. |
const task = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); task.addQuery('active', true); task.addQuery('subject', 'like', 'email'); task.addQuery('sys_created_at', '<', '2019-04-01 00:00:00'); task.query();'Count: ' + task.getRowCount()); // Info: Count: 0 |
let record = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); record.addQuery('166972638116358001:description', 'not work'); record.query();"Total rows: " + record.getRowCount()); // Info: Total rows: 1 |
It is possible to pass the value of the Reference field as current.{reference_field_name} instead of the record ID as the addQuery() в method value. The script example:
Use this method to add an encoded query to select records from the database. You can also use a decoded query.
You can also specify a RE model attribute of a specific table. To filter records, use the operators corresponding to the attribute type.
The condition may contain criteria based on the attribute of different RE models. If such criteria are built using the AND operator, the selection of records will be empty. To return records that match a condition, use the OR operator. |
Use curly brackets when setting a filter argument for the text fields of type String, Text, Translated Text, Conditions, and URL. Using parenthesis for the argument may cause a filter query error.
const subject = 'Hello, SimpleOne)'; const task = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); task.addEncodedQuery(`subjectLIKE${subject}`);; try { task.query(); } catch (e) { ss.error(e.message); } // Info: (subjectLIKEHello, SimpleOne)) // Error: Condition query is invalid |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value | |
condition | String | Y | N
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
const currentUser = ss.getUser(); const reciever = new SimpleRecordSecure('employee'); reciever.addQuery('active', true); if ( === 'internal') { reciever.addEncodedQuery(`(company=${currentUser.getValue('company')})`); } else { reciever.addEncodedQuery(`%28sys_db_table_id%3D158645243815904649%5Esys_created_byDYNAMIC156957117519820256%29`); }'Decoded condition: ' + reciever.getConditionQuery()); reciever.query(); // Info: Decoded condition: (active=1)^((sys_db_table_id=158645243815904649^sys_created_byDYNAMIC156957117519820256)) |
const receier = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); receiver.addQuery('active', true); receiver.addEncodedQuery('%28sys_db_table_id%3D158645243815904649%5E166972638116358001%3AdescriptionLIKEwork`);'Decoded condition: ' + receiver.getConditionQuery()); receiver.query(); // Info: Decoded condition: (active=1)^((sys_db_table_id=158645243815904649^166972638116358001:descriptionLIKEwork)) |
Use this method to check whether the current user can create records in the specified table according to the Access Control Rule (ACL).
Type | Description |
Boolean | The method returns true if this operation is permitted; otherwise, it returns false. |
current.canCreate(); |
Use the method to check whether the current user can delete records in the specified table according to the Access Control Rule (ACL).
Type | Description |
Boolean | The method returns true if this operation is permitted; otherwise, it returns false. |
current.canDelete(); |
Use the method to check whether the current user can read records in the specified table according to the Access Control Rule (ACL).
Type | Description |
Boolean | The method returns true if this operation is permitted; otherwise, it returns false. |
current.canRead(); |
Use this method to check whether the current user can edit records in the specified table according to the Access Control Rule (ACL).
Type | Description |
Boolean | The method returns true if this operation is permitted; otherwise, it returns false. |
current.canUpdate(); |
Use this method to delete multiple records form the selection. The attachments of the deleted records are not deleted. If the selection includes a record that the current user cannot delete because of the ACL, no records from the selection are deleted.
Do not use this method for the tables that have dependencies. Always delete each record separately. |
Type | Description |
Boolean | This method returns true if records are deleted successfully; otherwise, it returns false. |
const record = new SimpleRecordSecure('sys_activity_feed_item'); record.addQuery('content', 'isempty'); record.query();;; // Info: 0 // Info: true |
Use this method to delete a record.
When the method is called in a selection of records with the parameter set, the record with a specific ID is deleted. If id in not specified in the parameter, the method deletes the current record.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
id | String | N | N |
Type | Description |
Boolean | This method returns true if the record is deleted successfully; otherwise it returns false. |
const task = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); task.get('155931135900000000'); if (!task.sys_id) { return; } const isDeleted = task.deleteRecord(); if (isDeleted) {'Task with ID ' + task.sys_id + ' was deleted!'); return; } ss.error(task.getErrors()); |
Use this method to load an object from a database by the field value, or, in a specific case, by the ID. The propertyOrValue parameter is the ID value of the record or the property name. If the value is the property name, the value parameter is mandatory.
When you pass the null value or an empty string in the propertyOrValue parameter, the system throws an exception:
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
propertyOrValue | String | Y | N |
value | String | N | null |
Type | Description |
SimpleRecordSecure object | This method returns a SimpleRecordSecure object from the table specified in the query. |
const current = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); current.get('163663310116371174'); |
It is possible to pass the value of the Reference field as current.{reference_field_name} instead of the record ID as the get() method value. The script example:
Use the method to return an object with the current record attributes as the keys and key values.
Type | Description |
Object | This method returns аn object with the record's attributes and their values. |
const userRecord = ss.getUser();; // Info: {"sys_id":"155931135900000001","sys_created_at":"2019-09-30 00:00:00","sys_updated_at":"2021-06-28... |
Use this method to return the title of the current table.
Type | Description |
String | This method returns a title of the record table. |
const current = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); current.get('163663310116371174');; // Info: Task |
Use this method to return the current query condition.
Type | Description |
String | This method returns the query condition. |
const task = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); const condition = task.addQuery('state', '7'); condition.addOrCondition('priority', '<', '3');'Condition before query: ' + task.getConditionQuery()); task.query();'Condition after query: ' + task.getConditionQuery()); // Info: Condition before query: (state=7)^OR(priority<3) // Info: Condition after query: |
Use this method to return the displayed value of the record parameter. For example, for the Reference field the record name is returned, not the ID.
With no parameter specified, the method returns the display value of the record from the field with the Display by ref checkbox selected.
Find the values represented in the server scripts according to the field types in the table.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
property | String | N | null |
Type | Description |
String | This method returns the display value of the record or field. |
const current = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); current.get('163663310116371174');'caller'));'caller')); // Info: John Doe // Info: 155931135900000001 |
Use this method to get an error message in case of failure of a record creating, updating or deleting.
Use this method to control the execution of an operation with a record in a script.
It is highly recommended to use this method as some validation errors may not be displayed within the debug process. For example, errors in the condition queries passed using the addEncodedQuery(condition) or similar methods can be retrieved by calling getErrors. |
Type | Description |
Array of Strings | This method returns the error values. |
const record = new SimpleRecordSecure('user'); const insertedRecordId = record.insert(); if (insertedRecordId == 0) {; } // Info: ["The \"\"Login\" [username]\" field is mandatory. (record id: )",... |
Use this method to get the field title.
The getLabel() method cannot be used with the REM attributes. Instead, use the getTitle() method. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
property | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
String | This method returns a field name. |
const current = ss.getUser(); const fieldLabel = current.getLabel('username'); ss.addErrorMessage('Field "' + fieldLabel + '" cannot be blank'); // Field "Login" cannot be blank |
Use this method to retrieve the ID of the RE model related to the current record. To set a new model ID use the setReModelId method.
Type | Description |
String | The method returns the ID of the model. If the model is not found, the method returns null. |
(function executeRule(current, previous = null /*not null only when action is update*/) { if (current.getReModelId()) { const model = new SimpleRecordSecure('sys_rmc_model'); model.get(current.getReModelId()); // current model current.$$service = model.getValue('cmdb_service_id'); // pass service if field exists } })(current, previous); |
Use this method to get the number of the items in a selection.
Type | Description |
Integer | The method returns a number of the items in a selection. |
const task = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); task.query(); ss.addInfoMessage('All Tasks Count: ' + task.getRowCount()); // All Tasks Count: 2 |
Use this method to get the name of the current table.
Type | Description |
String | The method returns the system name of the current table. |
const current = ss.getUser();'/list/' + current.getTableName() + '/' + current.sys_id); // Info: /list/user/155931135900000001 |
Use this method to get the title of the defined RE attribute.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
column | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
String | This method returns the title of the REM attribute. |
const current = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); current.get('163638951512716126'); if (current.sys_id) {'reviewed')); } // Info: Review completed const current = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); current.get('163638951512716126'); if (current.sys_id) {'reviewed')); } // Info: Review completed |
To return the columns, the titles of which are not a part of REM, use the getLabel() method. |
Use this method to return the value of the specified object attribute.
If the field is of the Reference or List types, the method returns its ID value.
Find the values represented in the server scripts according to the other field types in the table.
Use this method to get values of the Reference type fields instead of dot-walking. For example, use the current.getValue('reference_field') structure instead of the current.reference_field.sys_id one. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
property | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Any | This method returns the value of the specified object attribute. |
const current = ss.getUser(); const user = new SimpleRecordSecure('user'); user.addQuery('timezone_id', current.getValue('timezone_id')); user.selectAttributes('sys_id'); user.query(); + ' users have the same timezone as you'); // Info: 24 users have the same timezone as you |
Use this method to check whether the specified record has an attachment or not.
Type | Description |
Boolean | The method returns true if the record has an attachment; otherwise, it returns false. |
const current = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); current.get('163663310116371174'); const hasAttach = current.hasAttachment(); if (!hasAttach) { ss.addErrorMessage('File should be attached'); return; } current.state = '2'; // Open current.update(); |
Use this method to populate all available fields with their predefined default values.
This method is applicable only for the new records that have never been saved.
This method is called automatically when a record is created.
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
const taskRecord = new SimpleRecordSecure('task');; taskRecord.initialize();; // Info: // Info: 155931135900000001 |
Use this method to create a new record with the field values of an object.
If a record is not created, method returns '0' (zero) and generates an error message, which you can get with the getErrors() method.
Type | Description |
String |
const newTask = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); newTask.subject = 'Subtask'; const insertedTaskID = newTask.insert();`/record/task/${insertedTaskID}`); // Info: /record/task/163675231910113745 |
Use this method to verify whether the Is VCS enabled checkbox is selected in the specified table.
Type | Description |
Boolean | This method returns the value of the Is VCS enabled attribute of the table record. |
const current = new SimpleRecordSecure('user');; // Info: false |
Use this method to verify whether the current record meets the specified condition.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
condition | String | N | '' |
Type | Description |
Boolean | This method returns true if the record meets the specified condition; otherwise; it returns false. |
const task = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); task.description = 'email';'descriptionLIKEemail')); // false task.description = 'email';'descriptionLIKEemail')); // true |
Use this method to get the next record in the query.
Type | Description |
SimpleRecordSecure object or Boolean | If this is the first call, this method returns the first record in the query. If the query is empty, this method returns false. |
const user = new SimpleRecordSecure('user'); user.setLimit(1); user.query();;; // Info: 100000000000000000 |
Use this method to sort the records in the ascending order.
Call this method several times to order by multiple columns. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
column | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
const firstLog = new SimpleRecordSecure('sys_log'); firstLog.orderBy('sys_created_at'); // oldest record first firstLog.addQuery('message', 'like', 'Connection'); firstLog.setLimit(1); firstLog.selectAttributes(['message', 'sys_created_at']); firstLog.query();; + ' - ' + firstLog.message); // Info: 2021-06-03 06:34:02 - IMAP IMAP (Default): Connection error: ... |
Use this method to sort the records in the descending order.
Call this method several times to order by multiple columns. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
column | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
const lastComment = new SimpleRecordSecure('sys_activities_stream_field'); lastComment.orderByDesc('sys_created_at'); // newest record first lastComment.setLimit(1); lastComment.selectAttributes(['value', 'sys_created_by']); lastComment.query();; + ': ' + lastComment.value); // Info: John Doe: Test comment |
Use this method to apply a query to retrieve a selection from a database. The selection will be stored in the object for which this method was called.
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
const tasks = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); tasks.addQuery('sys_created_at', '>', '2020-01-01'); tasks.orderBy('sys_created_at'); tasks.setLimit(2); tasks.query(); while ( {'Task number: ' + tasks.number); } // Info: Task number: TSK0000001 // Info: Task number: TSK0000003 |
Use this method to optimize the database queries, especially when it is necessary to get only several object fields, not the whole object.
Do not use this method to select records that can be updated or deleted after the selection. Otherwise the system throws an exception:
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
attributes | String/Array | Y | N |
Pass a single attribute name as a string. If you need to pass more than one attribute names, use the Array type as shown in code example below. |
Type | Description | |
SimpleRecord object | This method returns a SimpleRecordSecure object containing attributes and values.
const record = new SimpleRecordSecure('user'); record.selectAttributes('email'); record.query();;; // Info: {"email":"","sys_id":"162423321917274937"} |
const record = new SimpleRecordSecure('user'); record.selectAttributes(['email', 'username']); record.query();;; // Info: {"email":"","username":"john.doe","sys_id":"162423321917274937"} |
Use this method to interrupt the current operation.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
flag | Boolean | Y | N |
message | String | N | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
const current = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); current.get('163663310116371174'); const hasAttach = current.hasAttachment(); if (!hasAttach) { ss.addErrorMessage('File should be attached!'); current.setAbortAction(true); } current.state = '2'; // Open current.update(); |
Use this method to limit the number of the records in a selection done according to a condition.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
maxNumRecords | Integer | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
const record = new SimpleRecordSecure('user'); record.setLimit(3); record.query();; // Info: 3 |
Use this method to set the field values for each record in the current selection.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
property | String | Y | N |
value | Any | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
const task = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); task.addQuery('state', '7'); // Draft task.query();; task.setMultipleValue('state', '2'); // Open // task.updateMultiple(); |
Use this method to specify the ID of a particular RE model. To get the model ID, use the getReModelId method.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
reModelId | String | Y | N |
If the reModelId parameter is set to null, the REM related to the record will be detached.
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
const task = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); task.get('163352033916904699'); if (task.getValue('service') === '164069027812962298') { // Email Server Service task.setReModelId('158569205818704980'); // Email Server Access Request } else { task.setReModelId(null); } task.update(); |
(function executeRule(current, previous = null /*not null only when action is update*/ ) { // before rule triggered by service change ss.importIncludeScript('getRemAttributes'); const rmc = new SimpleRecordSecure('sys_rmc_model'); rmc.addQuery('cmdb_service_id', current.getValue('service')); rmc.addQuery('active', true); rmc.selectAttributes('sys_id'); rmc.setLimit(1); rmc.query(); if ( { const previousModelAttributes = getRemAttributes(current); current.setReModelId(rmc.sys_id); const currentModelAttributes = getRemAttributes(current); Object.keys(previousModelAttributes).forEach(attributeName => { if (currentModelAttributes.hasOwnProperty(attributeName)) { current.rem_attr[attributeName] = previousModelAttributes[attributeName]; } }) } else { current.setReModelId(null); } })(current, previous); |
Use this method to set a field value of the current record.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
property | String | Y | N |
value | Any | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This property does not return a value. |
const task = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); task.setValue('subject', 'mail'); task.insert(); |
Use this method to update a record without executing related business logic that is implemented with the business rules, notifications, workflows and others.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
enable | Boolean | N | true |
Type | Description |
Void | This property does not return a value. |
const task = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); task.addQuery('active', false); task.addQuery('approval_state', 'isempty'); task.query();; task.silentMode(); task.setMultipleValue('approval_state', 'not_requested'); // set Default value //task.updateMultiple(); |
Use this method to update a record in the database.
Use this method for existing records.
Type | Description |
String |
const current = new SimpleRecordSecure('user'); current.get(ss.getUserId()); current.timezone_id = '156076775207670452'; // UTC;; // Info: 155931135900000001 // Info: [] |
Use this method to update all the records in the selection.
Type | Description |
Boolean |
const task = new SimpleRecordSecure('task'); task.addQuery('state', '0'); // Open task.query();; task.setMultipleValue('state', '10'); // Canceled // task.updateMultiple(); |