This class provides methods for forms configurations. These methods can only be used on the client side.
You can also use these methods to configure the dependencies between the fields and the values. For example, changing the values of the fields or clearing the fields.
If several forms are used on the page, indicate in the scripts with which particular form you need to perform some actions. To do so, find the required form by its name using the s_widgets.getForm() call. |
This constructor instantiates a new SimpleForm object.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
table | String | Y | N |
sys_id | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Object | This method returns a form object. |
window.s_widget_custom.submit = async function () { await s_widget.serverUpdate(); const tableName = s_widget.getFieldValue('table_name'); const recordId = s_widget.getFieldValue('record_id'); const builtInForm = new SimpleForm(tableName, recordId); await; s_modal.setShow(false); s_go.reloadWindow(); } |
This is an object of the SimpleForm class that allows you to interact with the modal window of the opened record from the client script of the form. The form is available by using the <form> tag in the modal window widget.
Access the object using s_form.modalForm.
Type | Description |
Object | This method returns the form object. |
s_form.modalForm.setValue('state', '2') |
Within any record form, you can use predefined global variables.
Variable | Description | |
currentFieldLabel | Defines a link to a Wrapper object for a field. The variable is used with the getColumnId() method.
One of the usage cases of this variable is the field context menu call. | |
currentUiAction |
Use this method to display an error toast message in the bottom right corner.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
message | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
s_form.addErrorMessage('Please enter a valid email address using the following format:'); |
This method displays an informational toast message in the bottom right corner. The message disappears after a certain period of time. In the second parameter, specify this period in milliseconds.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
message | String | Y | N |
durationMilliseconds | Number | N | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
s_form.addInfoMessage('Link copied to clipboard', 2000); |
This method displays a message about a successul action in the bottom right corner. The message disappears after a certain period of time. Specify this period in milliseconds in the second parameter.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
message | String | Y | N |
durationMilliseconds | Number | N | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
s_form.addSuccessMessage('Record was successfully added!', 3000); |
This method displays a warning message in the bottom right corner. The message disappears after a certain period of time. Specify this period in milliseconds in the second parameter.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
message | String | Y | N |
durationMilliseconds | Number | N | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
s_form.addWarningMessage('This record has been modified by another user', 3000); |
This method adds a choice option to the end of the choice field. A user can add a choiceValue values defined for fieldName into the current set of the table options.
This method is asynchronous; for better performance, use the await keyword as shown in the code example below. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
choiceValue | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Promise | This method returns a Promise object. |
const choices = ['10', '20', '30']; s_form.clearOptions('contact_type'); for (const optionValue of choices) { await s_form.addOption('contact_type', optionValue); } |
Use this method to close all kinds of messages (both informational and error) in the form.
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
s_i18n.getMessage('End date time cannot be less than start date time', (response) => { s_form.clearMessages(); s_form.addErrorMessage(response); }); |
Use this method to remove all options from the choice list.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
const choices = ['10', '20', '30']; s_form.clearOptions('contact_type'); for (const optionValue of choices) { await s_form.addOption('contact_type', optionValue); } |
Use this method to clear out any field, that is delete its value.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Boolean | It returns false if it is unable to clear the value of the field in the following cases:
Otherwise, the method returns true. |
if (!s_form.getValue('sprint')) { s_form.clearValue('points'); } |
Use this method to verify whether the specified field has been changed.
If there is a client script changing the specified field is running on the form, this method returns true. Both a user and a script can initiate the changes. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Boolean | This method returns true if the specified field has been changed; otherwise, it returns false. |
if (s_form.isFieldChanged('state') && s_form.getValue('state') != 'new') { return false; // abort form submit } |
This class property returns the current form ID. The form view ID is an ID of the record in the UI Forms (sys_ui_form) dictionary.
Type | Description |
String | This method returns the record ID of the form view in the UI Forms (sys_ui_form) dictionary. |
const url = new URL(`${API_BASE_URL}/export/excel`); if (typeof s_form !== "undefined") { url.searchParams.set('form_id', s_form.formId); }, "_blank"); |
Use this method to get a list of fields with their values placed on the form.
The return value contains two keys: data and error. The data key is an object, where the keys are the system field names, and the values are the values of those fields. The error key is an array with error messages if the form is saved in the current state.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
isAll | Boolean | N | false |
Type | Description |
Object | When the isAll parameter is set to false, the method returns the info about the fields, where the values have been changed. When the value is set to true, the method returns the information about the fields on the form from all the sections, including the ones hidden by client scripts. On the new record form, the method returns a list of all form fields regardless of the isAll value. |
if (!s_form.getAllFields(true).data.hasOwnProperty('state')) return; |
This method is used to retrieve information about the changed fields: field name, previous value, current value.
If there is a client script changing some fields is running on this form, the getChanges() method includes such fields in the array. Both a user and a script can initiate the changes. |
Type | Description |
Array of objects | This method returns an array of objects with the fields changes. Each object contains a field name, its previous and current values. |
if (s_form.isChanged()) { const changedFields = s_form.getChanges(); let payload = {}; changedFields.forEach((field) => { payload[field.fieldName] = field.currentValue; }); SimpleStorage.setItem('payload', payload); } |
The method returns a label text value.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
String | This method returns a string containing a displayed field name. |
const FIELD_LABEL = s_form.getLabelOf('username'); s_form.addErrorMessage(`Field "${FIELD_LABEL}" contains invalid characters.`); |
This method gets a displayable REM attribute value.
Find the values represented in the client scripts according to the field types in the table.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
String | This method returns an value of the displayable attribute. |
s_form.addErrorMessage(`Service "${s_form.getREMDisplayValue('service')}" is not available`); |
This method gets a label text value of a REM attribute.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
String | This method returns a string containing an attribute label value. |
const FIELD_LABEL = s_form.getREMLabelOf('phone'); s_form.addErrorMessage(`Field "${FIELD_LABEL}" contains invalid characters.`); |
This method gets a REM attribute value.
Find the values represented in the client scripts according to the field types in the table.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
String | This method returns the database value of the specified field. |
if (s_form.getREMValue('model')) { s_form.hideFieldMsg('model'); } |
Use this method to get an array of sections.
Type | Description |
Array of HTML elements | An array containing sections of a form. |
Use this method return an array, which contains the names of all sections, visible and hidden.
Type | Description |
Array of strings | This method returns an array containing section names. |
This method returns a table name that the specified record relates to.
The method returns the system table name, not the table title. Example:
Type | Description |
String | System table name. |
const TABLE_NAME = s_form.getTableName(); console.log(TABLE_NAME); |
This method returns a unique record ID (sys_id).
Type | Description |
String | This method returns the record ID; otherwise, it returns null. |
const TABLE_NAME = s_form.getTableName(); const RECORD_ID = s_form.getUniqueValue(); const currentRecord = new SimpleRecord(TABLE_NAME); currentRecord.get(RECORD_ID, ()=> { if (currentRecord.sys_id === RECORD_ID) { s_form.addInfoMessage(currentRecord.sys_created_at); } }); |
This method returns the database value of the specified field .
Find the values represented in the client scripts according to the field types in the table.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
String | This method returns the database value of the specified field. |
const callerId = s_form.getValue('caller_id'); if (!callerId) { const callerRecord = new SimpleRecord('employee'); callerRecord.get(callerId, ()=> { if (callerRecord.sys_id && callerRecord.personal_schedule) { await s_form.setValue('schedule', callerRecord.personal_schedule); } else { s_form.addInfoMessage('Users schedule is not defined'); } }); } |
This method returns the displayed value of the field.
Find the values represented in the client scripts according to the field types in the table.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
String | The displayed value of the specified field. |
s_form.addInfoMessage(`Service "${s_form.getDisplayValue('service')}" is not available`); |
Use this method to perform a redirection to the previous page. If it is not possible, the redirection leads to the list view of the current instance, for example, to a list of incidents from an incident record.
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
if (s_form.isChanged()) { => s_form.goBack()); } else { s_form.goBack(); } |
Use this method to get information whether a record form has been changed.
Type | Description |
Boolean | The method returns true if any changes have been made on the record form; otherwise, it returns false. |
if (s_form.isChanged()) { => s_form.goBack()); } else { s_form.goBack(); } |
This method, unlike the s_form.showFieldMsg() method, hides informational or error messages in the specified form field.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
if (s_form.getValue('state')) { s_form.hideFieldMsg('state'); } |
Use this method to hide all related lists on the form.
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
if (s_form.getValue('type') == 'internal') { s_form.hideRelatedLists(); } |
Use this method to check if the specified field is mandatory.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Boolean | This method returns true if the field is mandatory; otherwise, it returns false. |
if (s_form.isMandatory('state') && !s_form.getValue('state')) { s_form.addInfoMessage('State cannot be None'); } |
Use this method to specify a related list you need to hide.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
relListTitle | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
if (s_form.getValue('type') == 'external') { s_form.hideRelatedList('Customer'); } |
Use this method to find out if the record is new.
Type | Description |
Boolean | If the record has never been saved, this method returns true; otherwise, it returns false. |
if (s_form.isNewRecord()) { await s_form.setValue('state', 'new'); s_form.setReadOnly('state', true); } |
Use this method to verify whether a user can edit the specified field via the interface or the field is read-only.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Boolean | This method returns true if the field is read-only; otherwise, it returns false. |
if (!s_form.isReadonly('state')) { await s_form.setValue('state', 'new'); } |
This method defines if a specified section is visible or not.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
sectionName | string | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Boolean | This method returns true if the section is visible; otherwise, it returns false. |
if (s_form.isSectionVisible('Instructions')) { s_form.addInfoMessage('Check out the "Instructions" section', 5000); } |
Use this method to check if the specified form is valid or not.
Type | Description |
Boolean | This method returns true if the form is valid; otherwise, returns false. |
It makes sense to use this method if the form contains the fields of the Date, Date/Time and Date/Time Specific types, as the method does not support validation checks for the fields of other types. |
if (!s_form.isValid()) { s_form.addErrorMessage('This form is invalid'); } |
Use this method to check if the specified field is visible or not.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Boolean | The method returns true if the field is visible; otherwise, it returns false. |
if (s_form.isVisible('state')) { s_form.setSectionDisplay('Controls', true); } |
This method reloads all UI actions on the form and reverifies conditions to display a button that are defined for these UI actions without refreshing the page.
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
const stateValue = s_form.getValue('state'); if (stateValue == 'in-progress') { s_form.refreshUiActions(); } |
Use this method to specify and delete an option from the choice list.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
choiceValue | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
const serviceId = s_form.getValue('service'); if (serviceId) { const service = new SimpleRecord('sys_cmdb_ci_service'); service.get(serviceId, ()=> { if (service.business_criticality > '1') { s_form.removeOption('impact', 'low'); s_form.removeOption('urgency', 'low'); } }); } |
This method saves a record without leaving its form.
Type | Description |
String | This method returns the ID of the saved record. |
const sysId = await; await s_user.setPreference(preferenceApplicationName, packApplicationId); await s_user.setPreference(preferenceLocalPackName, sysId); await s_pref.refresh(); |
This method sets a text value of the field label.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
value | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
if (s_form.getTableName() == "employee") { s_form.setLabelOf("email", "Personal Email"); s_form.setLabelOf("", "Manager's Email"); } else { s_form.setLabelOf("email", "Email"); } |
Use this method to change a specified field to a mandatory field, that is it cannot be null.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
mandatory | Boolean | N | true |
Type | Description |
Boolean | This method returns true if its execution has been successful; otherwise, it returns false. This method returns false in the following cases:
const scriptType = s_form.getValue('type'); const mandatoryColumn = ['onChange', 'onCellEdit'].includes(scriptType); s_form.setVisible('column_id', mandatoryColumn); s_form.setMandatory('column_id', mandatoryColumn); |
Use this method to change a specified field to read-only or editable.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
readOnly | Boolean | N | true |
Type | Description |
Boolean | This method returns true if its execution has been successful; otherwise, it returns false. This method returns false in the following cases:
if (s_form.getValue('any_tables')){ s_form.setMandatory('table_id', false); s_form.setReadOnly('table_id', true); s_form.setVisible('table_id', false); } |
This method sets a plain text value of a REM attribute label.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
value | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
String | This method returns the set value. |
if (s_form.getTableName() == 'user') { s_form.setREMLabelOf('email', 'Email'); } else { s_form.setREMLabelOf('email', 'Personal Email'); } |
Use this method to make a field specified by a REM attribute mandatory.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
mandatory | Boolean | Y | true |
Type | Description |
Boolean | This method returns true if its execution has been successful; otherwise, it returns false. This method returns false in the following cases:
const isDeliveryFilled = !!s_form.getValue('delivery'); s_form.setREMMandatory('phone', isDeliveryFilled); |
Use this method to make a field specified by a REM attribute read-only.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
readOnly | Boolean | Y | true |
Type | Description |
Boolean | This method returns true if its execution has been successful; otherwise, it returns false. This method returns false in the following cases:
if (s_form.isNewRecord()) { s_form.setREMValue('state', 'new'); s_form.setREMReadOnly('state', true); } |
With this method you can set a value of the REM attribute label.
Note that this method is asynchronous; for better performance, use the await keyword as shown in the code example below. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
databaseValue | Any | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
await s_form.setREMValue('state', 'new');; |
Use this method to define visibility of the field specified by a REM attribute.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
display | Boolean | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
s_form.setREMVisible('additional_info', !s_form.isNewRecord()); |
Use this method to specify the section you need to display.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
sectionName | String | Y | N |
display | Boolean | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
if (s_form.getValue('state') == '7') { // Completed s_form.setSectionDisplay('Closure Information', true); s_form.setMandatory('closure_code', true); s_form.setMandatory('closure_notes', true); } else { s_form.setMandatory('closure_code', false); s_form.setMandatory('closure_notes', false); s_form.setSectionDisplay('Closure Information', false); } |
Use this method to set a field value.
Use s_form.clearValue() method to clear the field instead of setting an empty string value. Note that this method is asynchronous; for better performance, use the await keyword as shown in the code example below. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
databaseValue | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Object | This method returns a Promise object. |
await s_form.setValue('state', '7'); // Completed await s_form.setValue('closure_notes', articleBodies.join('\n')); await s_form.setValue('closure_code', '1'); // Solved 1st Level .then(() => { s_i18n.getMessage(`The typical solution is applied`, (e) => { s_form.addInfoMessage(e); }) }); |
Use this method to manage the display of the fields that have been added to the form through the Form Layout. You can hide or show the fields. The hidden field state is similar to being removed from the form view.
Hiding a field for which the mandatory attribute is set on a column level (including the mandatory override described in the Column Override article) leads to the validation errors after the form is saved or submitted from the client-side. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
display | Boolean | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
if (!s_form.isNewRecord()) { s_form.setVisible('subject', true); s_form.setVisible('reason', false); } |
Use this method to display informantional and warning messages, and messages containing error description under the specified form field.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
message | String | Y | N |
type | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
s_form.showFieldMsg('subject', 'Cannot be empty', 'info'); |
s_form.showFieldMsg('subject', 'Cannot be empty', 'warning'); |
s_form.showFieldMsg('subject', 'Cannot be empty', 'error'); |
Use this method to display all the lists related to the form.
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
Use this method to display a specified list related to the form.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
listTitle | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
s_form.showRelatedList('UI Action'); |
Use this method to submit a record form.
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
Use this method to check if the specified field has been changed or not.
This method is deprecated and not recommended to use. Use the s_form.isFieldChanged(fieldName) method instead. |
If there is a client script changing a scpecified fieldon the form is running, the s_form. fieldHasChanges(fieldname) method returns true. Both a user and a script can make changes to the form. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Boolean | This method returns true if the specified field has been changed; otherwise, it returns false. |
console.log(s_form.fieldHasChanges('state')); |
Use this method to get information whether a record form has been changed or not.
This method is deprecated and not recommended to use. Use the s_form.isChanged() method instead. |
Type | Description |
Boolean | The method returns true if any changes were made on the record form; otherwise, it returns false. |
if (s_form.hasChanges()) { => s_form.goBack()); } else { s_form.goBack(); } |