OpenID Connect is a user identity mechanism built on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol that provides modern, secure and intuitive single sign-on (SSO) for end-users using the identity provider (IdPs) – Keycloak.
Role required: admin. |
To create an OpenID Connect, complete the following steps:
OIDC Setting form fields
Field | Mandatory | Description | |
Name | Y | Specify a name of the connection. | |
URL IdP | Y | Specify the URL of the authorization server. For example, The link redirecting from the instance to authorization in Keycloak will look like this:
| |
Realm | Y | Specify the name of the Keycloak realm. | |
Client ID | Y | Specify the application name that is registered in Keycloak. | |
User field | Y | Specify a field in the User (user) table containing information for user identification. Available options:
| |
Ignore case sensitivity | N | Select the checkbox to ignore a user login and email case during the authorization.
| |
Redirect URI | Y | Specify a callback link. After a user is authorized in Keycloak, it redirects the user to the specified link and adds the following parameters to the link: id_token, access_token, session_state, state, token_type, expires_in. Backlink example with Keycloak:
When the checkbox is selected and the value in the Redirect URI field differs from the value of the simple.welcome_page.url property, the value of the property is updated. | |
Active | N | Select the checkbox to activate the connection.
| |
Enable user creation | N | Select the checkbox to enable the autoprovision. Users that have no user accounts in SimpleOne, but are authorized in Keycloak, are automatically sign up in the instance. | |
Script | Y | Add a script to set the user field mapping between Keycloak and the SimpleOne instance. There is a default script that maps two mandatory fields: email and login. |
Keycloak and SimpleOne instances must have TLS/SSL certificates configured to connect on port 443. |
All generated public certificates for connections are stored in the IdP Certificates (idp_certificate) table. The certificates with a unique URL IdP and Realm for each OIDC Setting record can be found in the related list on the form.
You can only update certificates for an active OIDC setup using one of the following methods:
IdP Certificate form fields
Field | Description |
kid | The unique ID of the certificate key. |
Realm | The name pf the Keycloak realm. |
JSON | JSON that contains the information about the public certificate. |
Update algorithm
After starting the process of updating certificates, the following happens:
If the values of the OIDC Setting fields are set incorrectly, the system displays the following message:
The update of the certificates is failed. Check the settings of the connection.
Check the settings and try again.
When an OIDC Setting record is deleted, the system checks whether there are records with similar URL IdP and Realm values. If there is no matching record, the related certificates are removed. |