• In SimpleOne, forms are loaded in the order described below:

    1. The initialization of the record object.
      • The async fetch of the UI action data from the server.
      • The async fetch of the record from the server.
    2. The update of the inner state of the object.
    3. The rendering of the form and its sections.
      • The async execution of the form onLoad script when the form is created and when the record type is changed.
    4. The rendering of the form fields.
    5. The initialization of the widget objects.
    6. The rendering of the widgets.
    7. The initialization of the SimpleTag objects (<activityfeed>, <rem>, and others).
      1. The async fetch of the data from the server when the object is inserted or the tag properties are updated.
      2. The rendering of the SimpleTags.
      3. The rendering of the rem/remform/Form.
      4. The async execution of the rem/Form onLoad script.
    8. The execution of the widget client scripts.