A many-to-many relationship allows you to define connections between the records of any two tables, by specifying the relationship type other than “one-to-one.”

For example, the User and the Group tables may contain many records with users and groups, accordingly. A user may be in more than one group, and a group may include many users, so, in this case, these two tables have to be bound as shown below:

A many-to-many table is a table describing how two tables are linked with each other. The following screenshot shows a typical example of such a linkage:

To create a new many-to-many relationship, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to M2M → Create M2M table.
  2. Fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes.

Role required: admin.

M2M form fields

NameYSpecify a relationship name.
Source column
From column titleNSpecify the column title. It may differ from the column title in the table.
From column nameY

Specify the system name of the column. You can use Latin letters, [0..9] numbers, and the underscore symbol ( _ ).

After you created an M2M table, you can configure column settings in the relevant Column (sys_db_column) table record.

From tableYReference to the source table. 
Target column
To column titleNSpecify the column title. It may differ from the column title in the table.
To column nameY

Specify the system name of the column. You can use Latin letters, [0..9] numbers, and the underscore symbol ( _ ).

After you created an M2M table, you can configure column settings in the relevant Column (sys_db_column) table record.

To tableYReference to the target table.