When a user changes the default system settings, the platform automatically saves these user preferences so that they are applied with each new session.

For example, the user sets up a personal list layout for themselves, or changes the preferable configuration pack; the user preferences track the actions and store changes until they are changed again.

User preferences management

To change user preferences, navigate to User Administration → User Preference.

On this list, there are three fields:

NameYUser preference name
ValueYUser preference value

On the following screenshot, the user preferences for Admin User are displayed. The Default value is used when a user did not create or select any personalized views.

Related list preferences

On the following screenshot, you can see the Admin User preferences for the specific related lists

The Value field contains an ID of the related list element that the user added to the form or list. This ID is generated by the system, there is no need to change it.

Check the related list element ID

A user may have many related lists placed on various lists and forms. It is helpful to make a reverse-check of the ID.

To do so, complete the steps below:

  1. Copy the element ID.
  2. Open the Related List Elements (sys_ui_related_list_element) table.
  3. Use the condition builder to find a record based on the following criterion:   
 ID is element_ID

The query result is the related list element name with properties listed below.

Related List Element form

TitleYThe title of the related list element.
Related listYThe view of the related list containing this element.
Related tableNThe parent table for this related list element (for example, Incident).
Related columnNThe parent column for this related list (for example, Related task).
Related list scriptNA query script that transforms a related list to a synthetic one associated with an entity.
OrderYA numeral field that specifies the order of the element in the Related Lists of the form. The elements are arranged in the ascending order.