Use the <textarea> tag to add a multi-line text field.

Available attributes:

classStringNSpecify the CSS class name defined in the CSS field of the widget.
isMandatoryBooleanNSet the value to true to make the field mandatory. The default value is false.
isVisibleBooleanNSet the value to false to hide the tag. The default value is true.
labelStringNDescribe the field content by giving it a title
modelStringYSpecify this attribute to connect the client controller data object. When the model data changes, it is automatically transferred to the data of the client controller.
placeholderStringNSpecify a placeholder for the field.



Set the value to true to make the field read-only. The default value is false.


Specify the display settings (size, font, color, and others) of the tag elements using the CSS syntax.



Specify the default value for the field.


<textarea model="" label="Subject" placeholder="Add subject" value=""></textarea>
<textarea model="data.description" label="Description" value="" placeholder="Describe the issue"></textarea>

The template above adds the following elements to the page: