In SimpleOne, there are several log storages handled by the System Logs module. You can use them for troubleshooting and debugging that may take place. The storages are:
Role required: admin. |
You cannot create, edit, or delete records in the Main Log (sys_log) table. Only users with the admin role can read them. |
To access this storage, navigate to the System Logs → Main Log.
If you need to find specific records or to sort them in a particular order, use a filter tool at the top of the page. Use the Condition Builder to configure the filters that will fit your needs most.
The following system events are written down in the storage:
Main Log form fields
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Source | Y | Message source (the module, script, or functionality that was the originator of the logging). |
Level | Y | Message importance level:
These messages can be added using relevant SimpleSystem API methods. |
Message | N | The log message content. |
Username | N | Reference to the user initiated this record creation. |
In the audit.tables.ignoredList property, you can specify tables which changes will not be saved in history. |
This storage is for script execution extended information. All related information can be found here, from the script body to its memory usage.
You cannot create, edit, or delete records in the Script Log (sys_log_script) table. Only users with the admin role can read them. |
To access this storage, navigate to System Logs → Script Log.
If you need to find specific records or to sort them in a particular order, use a filter tool at the top of the page. Use the Condition Builder to configure the filters that will fit your needs most.
Script Log record fields
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Script Document | N | A reference to the script object realized by this script. It may be, for example, a business rule. |
Script | N | The script body. |
Result | N | Script execution results (the returned value, as an example). |
Exception Log | N | Reference to the Exception Log record that appeared during script execution. |
Essence Document | N | A reference to the object on which this object was executed. Script and Essence documents |
Start Time | N | This field shows the script start timestamp (in the Unix time format). |
Processing Time | N | Script processing time (in seconds). |
Memory Usage | N | Total script memory usage. |
Memory Start | N | Script memory usage when it just started. |
Page UUID | N | The unique ID of the page on which the script was executed. If more than one log records have the same Page UUID, it means that different scripts or actions were running on the same page. |
URL | N | Page URL where the script has been called. |
Info | N | Information returned by the script. |
Username | N | Reference to the user initiated this record creation. |
This storage contains records with the exception thrown when running a script.
You cannot create, edit, or delete records in the Exception Log (sys_log_exception) table. Only users with the admin role can read them. |
To access this storage, please navigate to System Logs → Exception Log.
If you need to find specific records or to sort them in a particular order, use a filter tool at the top of the page. Use the Condition Builder to configure the filters that will fit your needs most.
Exception Log
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Message | N | Error message text returned by script. |
File | N | PHP-script file that has returned this error. |
String | N | Line number in script file. |
Backtrace | N | A call back stack with a list of the functions called. |
Page URL | N | Link to a page where this exception was thrown. |
Log Archiving
With time, instance log storage grows over. And at most of the time, logs for the last two weeks or month are needed to analyze.
Log archiving engine allows saving deprecated logs so they do not affect system performance.
Archiving engine is not active by default. To activate it, please complete the steps below:
Default supply includes three archive scripts with different starting time: 01 AM, 03 AM and 05 AM. You can specify another archiving execution time and periodicity by modifying existing records or by cloning them with the Make a copy UI action and modifying the copy. |
Archiving background process performs operations as described below:
The script determines the oldest log from three tables as listed: sys_log, sys_log_script, sys_log_exception. After that, outdating check is performed (are these logs outdated today or not). For this, the simple.logs.rotate_period_in_days property is added allowing to define logs rotating period in days. If a period is not defined, then the default value is 30 days.
To unpack a log archive, please complete the steps below:
To pack a log archive, please complete the steps below: