In SimpleOne, email processing (sending and receiving) is done via the Email (sys_email) table. This table stores information about all received and sent messages in the system. The incoming email check is performed once a minute automatically. Outgoing emails are generated by the system when conditions defined in a notification rule are met.
To check:
Use the condition builder tool and filtering to make a specific selection or to find the necessary message. You can also configure a personal list layout to see the information you need.
Every email is represented as a table record. Incoming emails contain an attachment in .eml format that is a copy of the original email. If the original email contains files, they are also attached to the record. |
To enable or disable email receiving and sending, you can configure the and properties.
Email form fields
Field | Description |
Direction | The email direction. Available options:
From | The sender address. |
To | The recipient address. |
Type | The type of the new message. Depending on the type, the Inbound Email Actions are executed. See the Email types section. |
Carbon copy | The addresses of secondary recipients. |
Blind carbon copy | The recipient addresses, which will be hidden from other recipients. |
Status | The message status. See the Email statuses section to learn more. |
Email account | An email account that is used for sending or receiving emails. See the Email Accounts article to learn more. |
Created on server at | This field displays the date and time when the message was received. |
Subject | An email subject. It should be entered in plain text, as described in RFC 822. |
Body (Plain text) | The message content in plain text. Service information such as HTML tags, CSS styles and options, and others are discarded automatically. If the message does not contain values for this field, it is populated with the Body (HTML) field with no service information. |
Body (HTML) | The message content in HTML based on the rich text format. The following features are available:
Incoming and outgoing emails proceed through the statuses that are listed in the table below:
Status | Description | |
Attaching | The attachments are downloaded. After it is done, the state changes to Ready. | |
Ready | The message is ready for further processing. | |
In Process | The message is being delivered. | |
Processed | The message was handled correctly (sent or received, depending on the Direction field value). | |
Failed | The message processing was unsuccessful for some reason. See the Troubleshooting section. | |
Ignored | The message is inactive and will be ignored.
Email types are used for triggering some Inbound Email Actions.
Type | Description |
New | A newly created or received message. |
Forward | A message resent from another email address. This type is defined by specific words in the message subject. The list of words is defined by the property. For example: fwd: |
Reply | A reply to one of the previous messages. This type is defined by specific words in the subject. The list of words is defined by the property. For example: re: |
Delivery | A message about successful message delivery: the receiver got the email. This information is taken from the Content type field of the Email record. Note that the field is not added to the form. |
Calendar | A message containing an event. This information is taken from the Content type field of the Email record. Note that the field is not added to the form. |
In the Related Lists area, there is a tab that stores logs related to the current message. This list references the Main Log (sys_log) table, which stores the logs related to the record.
If a message is in the Failed or Ignored statuses, perform the following steps: