Roles required: admin, cmdb_manager. |
To make the CMDB meet your business needs, you can configure it by customizing class tables. The CMDB structure is built with configuration records based on the relevant CMDB table classes of the System Definition catalog. The catalog contains all of the tables used to build SimpleOne business solutions.
To customize the CMDB structure, follow these steps:
To create a new table class inherited from sys_cmdb_ci or other relevant CMDB class, complete the steps below:
You can also create a CMDB class from the parent table form. After the form is saved, in the Related Lists area, click New on the Table tab and follow the steps above. |
In the Related Lists area in the Table form, you can set up related lists and columns for your CMDB class to define its purpose and establish relations with other CMDB tables.
Related List Name | Description |
Columns | On this tab, you can create columns to define a set of fields for your future CMDB record. Click New and follow the steps described in the Create Columns article. You can also create a column and bind it to a relevant CMDB table in the System Definition → All columns menu. |
ACLs | This tab contains all security ACLs that are related to your CMDB table class. To create a new security ACL related to your class, click New and follow the steps described in the ACL Creating article. |
Client Scripts | This tab contains all client scripts related to your CMDB table class. To create a new client script related to your class, click New and follow the steps described in the Client Scripts article. |
Business Rules | This tab contains a list of all business rules applied to your CMDB table class. To create a new business rule, click New and fill in the Business Rule fields. |
Option Value for Table | This tab contains a list of option values used in your CMDB table class. To create a new option value, click New and fill in the Option Value field. |
Translations | For more information, see the Translated Text Fields article. |
VCS Record | For more information, see the VCS Records article. |
To add a new record to the CMDB catalog, follow the steps below: