Use the reference column type to connect different records with each other. These fields retrieve values from the referenced table, for example, the Timezone field references the Timezone (sys_timezone) table.

In SimpleOne, the field is accompanied by a magnifier icon  which opens a record picker window and by a plus icon which opens a window for creating a new record in the referenced record.

Creating a new record via a reference column is available on forms and in lists for inline editing.

To create a missing record in the referenced table, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the plus icon . A modal window will appear.
  2. Fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save.

Please note that the new record will be created in the table to which the field references. That is, if we created a custom field called Incident which references the Task table, the record will be created in the Task table, not Incident.

 Use the following column types to create a reference:

  • Reference
  • List.

Please keep in mind the dot-walking limitations for fields of the List type:

  1. For conditions in Condition Builder, the limit is one-level-depth.

  2. For list views and form views configuring, using dot-walking is not allowed.


References a record in the specified table. It stores the record's ID.

References several records in the specified table. It stores the records' IDs.

Scalar typeint8text
Validation criteria

The values specified should not exceed this range: [9223372036854775808 ... 9223372036854775807].

All elements must be separated by a comma without spaces.

Sometimes, reference columns display record IDs instead of record values. Values cannot be shown because of loops.

For example, a reference column refers to a table with a display_by_ref column. This column can also be a reference one. At some point, the next column may refer to a table that has already been viewed – it means a loop is formed, and it is impossible to identify the displayed value. The shown ID is the way to navigate to the necessary record.

Creating a reference column

Role required: admin.

To create a column of the reference type, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the System Settings → All Tables.
  2. Open the table for which you want to create a column.
  3. Scroll down to the Related Lists area and click on the Columns tab.
  4. Click New and fill in the fields.
  5. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.

Tabs specific for the reference column type

Type Specification tab

ReferenceYDefine the table to which the field will reference.
On DeleteN

Select the action to take when the referenced record is deleted. Available options:

  • No action – no actions will be taken.
  • Set NULL – the reference to this record will be deleted from the field (the value will be equal to 'null').
  • Cascade – the record containing reference to it will be deleted as well.
  • Restrict – deletion of the referenced record is forbidden.
  • Set default value – the reference to it will be changed to the default value defined at the Default Value tab.

Reference Qualifier tab

See the Reference Qualifiers article to learn more.

Reference Qualifier TypeN

Select the type of the reference qualifier. Available options:

  • Simple
  • Dynamic.
Reference Qualifier ConditionN

Configure filters using the Condition Builder.

This field appears when the Reference Qualifier Type value is Simple.

Dynamic Reference QualifierN

Select the dynamic reference qualifier from the list.

This field appears when the Reference Qualifier Type value is Dynamic.

Reference Qualifier FixedN

Select the checkbox to fix filters in breadcrumbs. This functionality will block using the Condition Builder functionality.