SimpleOne mobile application allows you to manage tasks and most activities on your smartphone. It is a Progressive Web Application (PWA) that requires neither a lot of storage nor installing it from an app market – the app is available in your instance.
The interface of the mobile app is much like the desktop instance interface. However, the mobile version has its own specifics.
From the list view, tap on the title of the column you want to use as the condition for filtering.
From the list view, tap and hold the cell with the value you want to use as the condition for filtering.
IOS does not support the function to invoke the context menu by tapping. |
Common UI-actions like New, Delete, Save, Save and Exit are stored in the kebab menu .
To download the SimpleOne app, perform the following steps:
The application will be installed on your device.
To download the SimpleOnw app, perform the following steps:
The application will be installed on your device.