In SimpleOne, data stores in two forms: tables and records. Tables consist of columns.

Role required: admin.

To create a table, please perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to System Definition → All Tables.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.

Table Attributes

Table attributes allow users to configure tables and connect them to other tables.

Main area




Specify a table title. A title is preferred to be sensible and human-readable like Incident, or Known Error. You can use Latin or Cyrillic letters, [0..9] numbers, and the underscore symbol ( _ ). Unlike the Name field, the values from the Title field can be translated to other languages.

When filling in the Title field, the Name field is populated automatically with a corresponding value and prefix.



The field is populated automatically with a system table name. The table name should be unique and inform about the data stored. Allowed symbols are Latin letters, [0..9] numbers and the underscore symbol ( _ ); a name should start with a letter. System table names are used in scripting.

When filling in the Title field, the Name field is populated automatically with a corresponding value and prefix.

Typically, developers create tables while working on applications and within these applications. In this case, a prefix is added automatically to the system table name. You can specify the default prefix to add in the application settings; this point is highlighted in the Applications article.

The default table naming policy is configured as follows.

  1. For custom tables created within the Simple application, the "c_" prefix is added.
    • Example: if you create a table and specify the title "Table", then the name c_table is generated automatically.
  2. For custom tables created within another application, application prefix and client instance prefix are added.
    • Example: consider that you are creating a table within the ITSM application (generally having the itsm prefix) on your instance. Vendor has provided the instance client prefix for you. The title of the newly created table is "Table". In this case, it will be named as itsm_instance_table.

In table names, elements are compounded with the underscore symbol.


NSpecify a parent table for this table. All fields of the parent table except for the system fields will be inherited when creating the table. A table can be a parent for another table if its is_extendable attribute is equal to 'true'.

Is Extendable

NSelect the checkbox so that the table could be a parent for another table. For more information about this, please refer to the Table Extension article.

Add Menu Item

NSelect the checkbox to create a new menu category in the Navigation menu if needed. If the checkbox is selected, the Menu Item tab will appear in the Related Lists area.

Controls Tab




Define a prefix that will be the beginning of every record ID in this table.

Is VCS Enabled


This attribute is responsible for the table versioning turning on and off. When this checkbox is selected, changes in the affected table are stored as records in the VCS records (sys_vcs_record) table.

Please keep in mind that you will be unable to change this attribute value after table creation, so it is necessary to get through this phase carefully.

Is Audit


This attribute is responsible for the records changes logging to the History (sys_history) table. When the   checkbox is selected, the changes in the affected table are logged in the mentioned table. Read more about this in the System History section.

Record Deletion Logging

NSelect this checkbox to enable logging record deletion. Records deleted from this table will be logged to the Record Deletion Log (sys_record_deletion_log) and can be restored.

Menu Item tab

The Menu Item tab appears when the Add Menu Item attribute is selected.


Menu Category

YSpecify a menu category to which the menu item should be related.

Menu Item

NSpecify a name of the new menu item.



Select the checkbox if you want to create a new category item. Then the following fields will appear:




New CategoryYDisplayed category title.
OrderYCategory order in the interface (categories are arranged in ascending order).
Menu ItemNThe name of the new menu item.

See the Navigation article to learn more about menu items and categories.

UI Actions

You can also find the Show schema link in the Related Links area. The dependency map is a UI Action map showing all the tables related to a table which form you opened. Click any table name on the dependency map to open the form of that table.