A field that allows selecting items.

The following attribute is applicable:

classStringNThis attribute allows defining CSS styles classes description and specifying.
isMandatoryBooleanNThis attribute allows to set a mandatory status to field. For this, set it equal to 'true'.
isVisibleBooleanNIf this attribute is equal to 'true' (by default), then the widget is displayed; otherwise, it is not displayed.
labelStringNA field label with text information generally describing the field content.
modelStringYThis attribute points to the client controller data object. When the model data changes, it is automatically transferred to data of the client script.



This attribute allows to set a read-only status to field. For this, set it equal to 'true'.

optionsStringNThis field type matches database values with what will be displayed. Specify options available for selecting using the CodeMirror JSON formatting to set the options you need.
placeholderStringNSpecifies a placeholder for text field.

This attribute specifies the display settings (size, font, color, and etc.) of the widget elements using the CSS syntax.



Specifies the default value for field.

radioButtonsModeBooleanNMakes a choice field display its options in the form of radio buttons when it is equal to 'true'. Otherwise, the standard drop-down list is used.

<select label="Class" isMandatory="true" model="data.class" options='[{"database_value":"","display_value":""},{"database_value":"155964310500000004","display_value":"Server"},{"database_value":"155964310500000006","display_value":"Database"}]'></select>