Any completed local pack can be rolled back. Rollback will restore the versions of all the records in this local pack as they were before the start of the update collection, in other words, before starting works on this local pack. Deleted records will be restored, and created records will be deleted.
After the rollback is completed, the imported versions stay in the system as non-current VCS records. You can restore these record versions manually if needed.
To rollback a local pack, please complete the steps below:
Here is the expected result of the process:
Import result | Rollback result |
A new table | The table is dropped from the database, deleting any data from it. |
A new field | The field is dropped from the database, deleting any data from it. |
A deleted field | The field is restored to the database, but the original data is lost. |
A record is inserted | The record is deleted. |
A record is deleted | The record is restored with its original data. |
A record is updated | The record is restored with its original data. |
General process of solving the rollback collisions is the following:
Collision case 1When rolling back a local pack, the state of the record is Collision. The Message field contains the following text:
Collision solving: Move the current record to the local pack, which you need to rollback, and click Rollback preview. |
Collision case 2When rolling back a local pack, the state of the record is Collision. The Message field contains the following text:
Collision solving: Continue the rollback. The collision record will be skipped. |
Collision case 3When rolling back a local pack, the state of the record is Collision. The Message field contains the following text:
Collision solving: Continue the rollback. The collision record will be skipped. |
Collision case 4The configuration pack inserted new columns into a table. When rolling back a local pack, a record is in the Warning state. The Message field contains the following text:
Collision solving: Continue the rollback. Сolumns inserted during import will be deleted. |
Collision case 5A local pack contains an Insert record: a new table was created. Rollback will cause the deletion of this table, but it contains one or more records. The state of the record is Skipped. The Message field contains the following text:
Collision solving: Open the list of records of the table and delete all records manually. |
You can find other examples of possible collisions in the Collisions processing article. After that, click Rollback preview. |