Generally, collisions may appear during the configuration pack import process. Their leading cause is that the dependent table or record does not exist in the database.
Consider a common use case:
After that, you can find the erroneous record at the VCS preview log related list (in the VCS Retrieved Pack section). This record has the state = collision and the appropriate Error Text containing the error cause. Erroneous records cannot be included in the saved records pack (VCS Records) bound to the retrieved pack that is used for data recovery.
The idea in the collision fixing process is to try to dispose of collisions in the highest level tables. This method allows removing collisions in the lower-level tables automatically. It can be done about like this:
When installing a configuration pack in the system, some record “X” is added. At the same time, it is referenced to another records “Y” in this system and in this configuration pack. Both records that the record ‘X’ is referenced to do not exist. When the export admin initiates a configuration pack preview (using a Preview Local Pack button), the collision is thrown on this record, which is an expected result.
Collision solving:
The solution is the configuration pack rebuilt in order to get the record “Y” into it.
The record “X” is deleted from the system. At the same time, there is a reference to this record in the configuration pack. When the export admin initiates a configuration pack preview (using a Preview Local Pack button), the collision is thrown on this record, which is an expected result.
Collision solving:
The solution is the configuration pack rebuilt in order to remove this record from it.
Create a table in the source instance, with the field number equal to N.
Create the same table with the same name in the target instance, with the field number equal to N-1.
In the source instance, perform the export of the table fields into a configuration pack, after that download a .SOP file and unpack it in the target instance.
The result will be a collision thrown, and a message that this object is not valid, any actions on it cannot be taken.
Collision solving:
To solve this collision, create or update the object, excluding attributes missing on the target instance. In the above example, the N-fielded table will be successfully imported to the target instance, where the (N-1)-fielded table is created. But, the fields that exist in the source instance and are not in the target instance will not be created in the target instance. See the schema below.
The records on a target instance are newer than in a configuration pack to install. It can be determined by the date and time of record creation.
Collision solving:
Export admin needs to initiate a local pack preview. In the process:
A table being deleted from instance contains records (is not empty). If the table being deleted is empty, then there is no collision.
Collision solving:
A configuration pack contains objects related to the application X. At some moment, export admin tries to apply this configuration pack to the instance that does not have this application installed.
Collision solving:
The solution is to rebuild the configuration pack in order to add records related to the missing application.
Partial attributes mismatch between instances.
User case description.
Create a table on the source instance, with the field number equal to N.
Create the same table with the same name on the target instance, with the field number equal to N-1.
On the source instance, perform the export of the table fields into a configuration pack, after that, download a .SOP file and unpack it on the target instance.
The field names on source and target instances are slightly different. See the schema below.
The collision cause is a unique key violation.
User case description
Collision solving
The collision solving method is to decide which translation record is more up-to-date.
If an initial record located on the target instance is more up-to-date, then the collision record can be dropped from the configuration pack and not imported.
If a new record being imported is more up-to-date, then this record should be imported, what will cause initial record overwrite.