Generally, a knowledge base page consists of the following elements:

  1. The form widget displays a record form from the Knowledge Base.
  2. The sidemenu widget adding a sidemenu.
  3. The breadcrumbs widget allows navigation within the structure of the portal pages.

The <sidemenu> and <breadcrumbs> widgets interact with each other providing easy navigation.

Knowledge Base form widget configuration

Knowledge Base widget is basically a form widget surrounded by <div> elements.

To configure a <form> widget for the Knowledge Base, use the example below as a pattern:

<div class="portal__kb_item">
  <Form tableName="article" sysid={data.item} view="SP" uiActions="false" userScripts="true"></Form>

Sidemenu widget configuration

To configure a sidemenu widget, use the example below as a pattern:


Breadcrumbs widget configuration

To configure breadcrumbs correctly, it is preferable to use the attribute values as in the example below (type these values in the Template field of the breadcrumbs widget form):

<div class="portal__breadcrumbs customized">

After that, you can define the breadcrumbs view in the CSS field of this form:

.customized {
   background: #FFFFFF;
  padding: 9px 0px 8px 16px;