If you need to perform quick data migration between instances without additional field mapping configuration, then you can use a quick import engine.
Please note: this functionality is available only for non-versioned tables (having the Is VCS enabled attribute turned OFF). |
Role required: admin. |
Importing data must fit the format below:
{ "article": [ { "state": "1", "service": null, "number": "ART0000035", "sys_id": 159497384530294161, "metainfo": null, "object_category": null, "sys_updated_at": "2020-07-17 08:17:25", "body": null, "sys_db_table_id": 156846397908814773, "content_item_class": 157935401911817831, "sys_created_at": "2020-07-17 08:17:25", "sys_updated_by": 155931135900000001, "sys_created_by": 155931135900000001, "published_at": "2020-07-17 08:17:25" }], "itsm_incident": [ { "active": true, "sys_updated_at": "2020-06-18 23:24:13", "sys_created_at": "2020-06-18 23:24:13", "wf_executing_activity": null, "number": "INC0000351", "description": null, "urgency": "1", "impact": "1", "assignment_group": null, "sys_db_table_id": 156950677111866258, "display_name": "INC0000351 asd", "subject": "asd", "company": null, "service": 158825569619498427, }] } |
The main object contains keys and values. Keys are dictionaries system names and the value is the records objects array.
Every record object contains keys matching to the dictionary column system names and the database relevant attribute value.
A file containing data to import can be obtained by exporting the dictionary records list. For this, please complete the steps below:
Please note: when exporting a dictionary parent for others, only attributes of the parent dictionary would be saved into a file. Example: you are exporting incident records from a list view of the ITSM Task (itsm_task) dictionary. |
Within the importing process, the import engine checks the records whether their sys_id attribute values match with the ones in the importing object.
If such a record exists in the target dictionary, then the existing record will be updated; otherwise, a new record is created (for example: when records with a new sys_id attribute value are imported, or record without the 'sys_id: value' match).
Also, when the quick import is used, then field validation on the server-side is not taken into account.
For example, you can import records with empty mandatory fields or non-unique values in the fields that require unique values.
But after importing, you will not be able to update a form in any way until you normalize data and reimport.