You can schedule a script execution to perform them on a regular basis with a specified periodicity.
To create a scheduled script job, complete the steps below:
Schedule script form fields
Field | Mandatory | Description | |
Name | Y | Specify the scheduled script job name. | |
Run as | Y | Select a user to run the script execution. | |
Active | N | Select this checkbox to make the job active or inactive. | |
Job | N | Specify a job to execute. | |
Script | N | Type a script to execute. | |
Run frequency | Y | Available options:
| |
Run period | Y | This field appears when the Periodically option is selected in the Run frequency field. Customize the period (days, hours, minutes, or seconds) in a preferred combination using the input fields. | |
Run time | Y | This field appears when the Daily, Weekly, Monthly options are selected in the Run frequency field. Specify the time when to execute a script. To run a script regularly at the same time, specify the time. | |
Run date and time | Y | This field appears when Periodically, Once options are selected in the Run frequency field. Specify the date and time of the job execution.
| |
Day of week | Y | This field appears when the Weekly option is selected in the Run frequency field. Specify a day of the week when the job should run. For example, select Friday. | |
Day of month | Y | This field appears when the Monthly option is selected in the Run frequency field. Specify a day of the month when the job should run. For example, select 13 for the 13th day of the month. |
As an alternative to scheduled scripts, use system events. In the system event scripts, the planning of a future event and the execution of the main script (which is specified in the Script field of Schedule script) is performed. See the Events article to learn more.
Before creating a script for changing/deleting configuration records, create a separate user in the User table and install the desired application.
(function executeScheduleScript() { const ITSM_APPLICATION = '156950344216170038'; const RUN_AS_USER_ID = '155964310500000026'; // Schedule script -> Run as -> ID const preference = new SimpleRecord('sys_user_preference'); preference.addQuery('name', 'application'); preference.addQuery('user_id', RUN_AS_USER_ID); preference.setLimit(1); preference.query(); if ( { preference.value = ITSM_APPLICATION; preference.update(); } else { preference.user_id = RUN_AS_USER_ID; = 'application'; preference.value = ITSM_APPLICATION; preference.insert(); } // update/delete vcs enabled records ... })() |
You cannot use the getAccessToken() method to get the token of the current user (specified in the Run as field) in the script body. To get a token, use a sample:
const tokenRec = new SimpleRecord('user_token'); tokenRec.addQuery('user_id', '155964310500000026'); // Schedule script -> Run as -> ID tokenRec.orderByDesc('sys_created_at'); tokenRec.setLimit(1); tokenRec.query();; const tokenValue = tokenRec.token; |
When executing a server script with updating many records, the 504 message may occur. The error is related to the execution time limit for REST requests (Time Out).
Use a scheduled script for updating part of the records. The script example:
const MESSAGE_PREFIX = '[Update User Records]'; const TABLE_NAME = 'user'; const TABLE_QUERY_CONDITION = '(field_name!=field_value)'; // query condition const QUERY_LIMIT = 500; let lastRecord = '1'; const lastTwoMinutes = new SimpleDateTime(); lastTwoMinutes.addSeconds(-120); // 2 minutes const logMessage = new SimpleRecord('sys_log'); logMessage.addQuery('level', 'debug'); // debug level logMessage.addQuery('sys_created_at', '>', lastTwoMinutes.getValue()); logMessage.addQuery('message', 'startswith', MESSAGE_PREFIX); logMessage.orderByDesc('sys_created_at'); logMessage.setLimit(1); // newest record logMessage.selectAttributes('message'); logMessage.query(); if ( { if (logMessage.message.match(/(?<=Last record: )(\d{18})/g)) { lastRecord = logMessage.message.match(/(?<=Last record: )(\d{18})/g)[0]; } } ss.debug(`${MESSAGE_PREFIX}\nLast record: ${lastRecord}`); const record = new SimpleRecord(TABLE_NAME); record.orderBy('sys_id'); record.addQuery('sys_id', '>', lastRecord); record.addEncodedQuery(TABLE_QUERY_CONDITION); record.setLimit(QUERY_LIMIT); record.query(); let updatedRecords = []; while ( { lastRecord = record.sys_id; // record.field_name = 'field_value'; const updatedRecordId = record.update(); if (updatedRecordId) { updatedRecords.push(updatedRecordId); } } ss.debug(`Last record: ${lastRecord}`);`${updatedRecords.length} records updated:\n\n${JSON.stringify(updatedRecords, null, 2)}`); |